William Repetto - Falvey Publication

"Kawahara plays such a spirited rendering of Christ that it should have – nay, requires – special attention here. Kawahara brings such energy to the show that the cast seemingly revolves around the vitality of her performance. As we quickly discover, she plays the ukulele, too, and sets the beat for many of the numbers. Her bright smile, engaging attitude and confident voice will have you on your knees, in the palm of her hand, praying for more by show’s end."

Steve Cohen - The Cultural Critic

"Mina Kawahara is altogether winning as Amalia... She flashes brilliant coloratura in “Vanilla Ice Cream”"

Mark Cofta - Broad Street Review

Tim Dunleavy - DC Metro Theatre Arts

"Kawahara's Amalia and Mitchell's Georg prove over and over that less is more, and aren't afraid to reveal childlike enthusiasm, innocence, and awkwardness; when Kawahara hangs her head upside down off a bed for the climactic ending of "Vanilla Ice Cream," Mitchell skips giddily through the title song."

"...and Mina Kawahara (as the curious, striving Junhee) gives richly emotional performances. "